Sedation Dentistry Broken Arrow OK | Endicott Dental

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A great Option for Dental Anxiety

When you visit our office, you'll find an atmosphere of compassion and caring where we treat you like family. But for some patients, visits to the dentist bring anxiety that can be difficult to manage, no matter how empathetic the team is. In other cases, there may be dental treatments that require sedation, such as oral surgery


We understand these situations, and we do all we can to help you have a calm, positive experience with us. We provide sedation dentistry to alleviate stress and pain so that you can have excellent oral health without anxiety.


What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Reducing stress and alleviating pain to provide a positive dental experience.

Minimal Sedation

You're conscious and responsive but relaxed either by oral sedation (medication) or nitrous oxide, a.k.a. "laughing gas." 

Moderate Sedation

You're conscious but not fully responsive and might feel sleepy or slur words. This is usually through oral medication taken an hour earlier.

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Sedation Dentistry for Stress-free care

We hope that by providing a positive, family-oriented experience we can reduce any anxiety you may have about seeing the dentist. But we understand that may not be the case for everyone. Rest assured, we will always have your mental and physical health as our top priorities. That's why we will explain your options and any risks with you before sedation is administered.


Your oral health is vital to your overall health. That's why Endicott Dental will work with you to find the solution that is best for you, no matter your anxiety level. We are here for you. 

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Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Endicott Dental is here to answer all of your dental questions!

As a general rule, it's best to not eat at least 6 hours before oral or IV sedation. If you are undergoing general anesthesia, the doctor may tell you not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. 

Sedation allows your body and mind to relax to make your dental procedures easier and less stressful. Stress can negatively affect you physically as well as mentally, and sedation reduces those impacts.

Those with heightened or severe anxiety levels related to dental work may need sedation. Those undergoing several procedures or more complicated procedures, such as oral surgery, will need sedation. 

There is always a risk with general anesthesia, but we will outline those risks before the procedure so you can decide on your best option. You will need to tell us of any sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, as they can increase the risk of complications from anesthesia. 

Unfortunately, many dental plans do not cover sedation dentistry. Check with your insurance provider for details. We offer financing solutions in such cases, which we will be happy to discuss with you prior to any treatment. 

Keeping Broken Arrow Smiling Since 2016

We're a family-run, family-oriented practice that treats you like family. Come in and see the difference!

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© 2024 Endicott Dental. Endicott Dental is located in Broken Arrow, OK but happily serves Bixby, Brookside, East Village, Gilcrease, Greenwood District, Jenks, Midtown, Oakhurst, Prattville, Sand Springs, South Tulsa, Tulsa, and Turley. The contents of are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Copying without permission is strictly forbidden. Privacy Policy | Accessibility

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